Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Sea Cucumber

Everything's mostly packed up now so in the down time I decided to finish one of my UFO's that's been sitting around for... oh... probably a year. I thought it was going to occupy me for just a few hours but the density of this thing took all day to finish 3 rows! I know it's not technically a 'sketch' for the 'sketch blog' but this blog encompasses all kinds of creativity! So let's have at it! :)

OK. It really looks like a sea cucumber while all stretched out, makes me giggle.

The stitch is called embellished herringbone. It's truly easy to make but very time consuming due to the density of the beads.

There's a funny story about it too. I was on the back of my hubby's motorcycle (before I got my own) and we just happened to drive by the little bead store tucked away on a road that housed many industrial companies. Definitely not where I'd expect to find one! Being that it had 'dragon' in the title we decided to stop and march inside fully suited and probably weirded out the ladies inside gathered around the beading table.

That's when I chanced upon the store owner's embellished herringbone bracelet on display and I fell in LOVE! I knew I had to make it so I signed up for a few classes knowing that the particular class for the bracelet was months away! Thus I started my beading hobby and am poorer for it but happy all the same!

Is that a sea cucumber on your arm?

Mostly invisible clasp, when not looking at it on an angle,
'scuse my terrible photography :p

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