Friday 7 October 2011

Wings and Things

Alright, I made myself sit down and sketch something decent. I really need a name for these mecha things with wings since most of my characters seem to be just that. Thanks Wing Zero Custom for setting me for life on the idea that mecha can have wings. Oh and that they should be real avian wings because although that doesn't make sense, neither do mecha so :p

Here's Ace looking very much like Caelum with Peaches' head, lol.

Actually I have an entire idea on them being bio-mecha. Remember Guyver? YES. Yet again thanks for setting me for life on organic mecha things in such a twisted way that the common american description of cyborg just doesn't do it justice. Although General Grievous in Star Wars comes pretty close but is still very robotic.

Avian Mecha... maybe that's what I should call them! (or bird bots which seems entirely more amusing.)

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